In a meticulously planned operation reminiscent of cinematic heists, a group of thieves executed a daring robbery at the Union Bank of India branch near Kim Crossroads in Surat. By drilling a two-foot hole through the wall of an adjacent office, they accessed the bank’s locker room, disabling security systems and making off with cash, jewelry, and other valuables exceeding ₹40 lakh.
Modus Operandi: A Hole in the Wall
The perpetrators began by breaking into a one-room office adjacent to the bank, which shared a common wall with the bank’s back wall. They drilled a two-foot-wide hole through this wall, providing direct access to the bank’s locker room. Once inside, they disabled the bank’s surveillance cameras by cutting cables and tampered with the alarm system, ensuring it remained silent during the heist. This level of precision suggests a well-coordinated effort, likely involving individuals with intimate knowledge of the bank’s layout and security measures.
Inside the Vault: Targeting the Lockers
The thieves spent approximately three hours inside the bank, during which they broke into six of the 75 lockers. Among these, three were found empty. One locker, belonging to a non-resident Indian (NRI), contained a Lord Ganesha idol, which was left undisturbed. Another locker held jewelry valued at over ₹40 lakh, which was stolen. The contents of the sixth locker remain unknown, as its owner is currently out of town.
Evidence Left Behind
Upon investigation, authorities discovered several items at the scene, including an electric cutter believed to havech the lockers. Additionally, remnants of food such as apple slices and cucumbers, along with an empty plastic case and a glass, were found on a sofa inside the bank. These findings suggest that the thieves took deliberate measures to sustain themselves during the operation, indicating a high level of preparedness and confidence.
Security Lapses and Investigation
Notably, there was no security guard present at the bank during the time of the robbery. The absence of on-site security personnel, coupled with the disabled surveillance systems, allowed the thieves to operate undetected for an extended period. Surat District Police Chief Hitesh Joysar stated that multiple teams, including a dog squad, have been deployed to investigate the incident. Authorities are currently reviewing CCTV footage from surrounding areas to identify potential suspects and have noted that unclear visuals suggest the involvement of approximately five individuals.
Community Impact and Concerns
This incident has raised significant concerns among local residents and bank customers regarding the safety of their valuables stored in bank lockers. The brazenness of the heist, executed in a manner reminiscent of the 2008 film “Theft the community in shock and has prompted calls for enhanced security measures in banking institutions to prevent such occurrences in the future.
The daring robbery at the Union Bank of India branch in Surat underscores the need for stringent security protocols and constant vigilance in financial institutions. As the investigation unfolds, it is imperative for banks to reassess their security measures to safeguard against such sophisticated criminal activities and restore public confidence in the safety of their assets.